Michael Fullan Admin

Peel District School Board – Letting Go

Michael Fullan OC, with the support of Pearson, films Peel District School Board’s Director of Education Tony Pontes, with administrators and teachers, to capture the results of Peel District School Board. This video is part of the publication, “A Rich Seam: How New Pedagogies Find Deep Learning” (Pearson, 2014), and what Fullan calls Motion Leadership in Action.




Read more Peel District School Board – Letting Go

The Quest Conference 2015

Every year the York Region District School Board’s Quest Conference brings together members of the educational community from around the world. Participants consider contemporary educational issues and learn together to improve student achievement and well-being.

In 2015, Quest explored the theme of Deep Learning in a Digital World. Hear from this year’s expert speakers including Michael Fullan, Carol Campbell, Alec Couros, Jennifer Corriero, Will Richardson and George Couros as they explain what deep learning in a digital world really entails.

For more information and to view the videos,

Read more The Quest Conference 2015

Inside-Out and Downside-Up: Global Think Piece

The Global Dialogue Think Piece, by Michael Fullan and Steve Munby,  was written to stimulate participants at the Global Dialogue Webinar  to debate the challenges and opportunities presented by cluster-based school collaboration when used as a vehicle for school improvement. Following the Global Dialogue event that took place on February 11, 2016, Fullan and Munby updated their paper to reflect reaction and input from John Hattie, Viviane Robinson and hundreds of other school teachers and leaders.

Read more Inside-Out and Downside-Up: Global Think Piece

Inside-Out and Upside-Down – Global Dialogue Think Piece

This Global Dialogue Think Piece, by Michael Fullan and Steve Munby,  was written to stimulate participants at the Global Dialogue Webinar  to debate the challenges and opportunities presented by cluster-based school collaboration when used as a vehicle for school improvement.

January 2016

Read more Inside-Out and Upside-Down – Global Dialogue Think Piece

Coherence: The Right Drivers in Action for Schools, Districts, and Systems

In this short, pithy video that is just over 3 minutes, Fullan explains the Coherence Framework featured in his new book Coherence (with Joanne Quinn, Corwin, 2016). To get whole system change right we need to focus on all four components in Fullan’s framework.

Fullan & Quinn, Coherence, Cowin, 2016


Read more Coherence: The Right Drivers in Action for Schools, Districts, and Systems

Why Helping Humanity Should Be Core to Learning

Education research is showing that students are intergenerational change agents and this concept is captured brilliantly in Michael’s new article published in Moving America Forward and NationSwell.

Michael explores the relationship between ‘push’ and ‘pull’ forces in education and explains how helping clusters and networks of schools to implement deep learning outcomes is building momentum. The article is based on a previous report with Maria Langworthy called, A Rich Seam: How New Pedagogies Find Deep Learning which was published by Pearson in 2014 and Michael’s current work with New Pedagogies for Deep Learning.

Read more Why Helping Humanity Should Be Core to Learning

Leadership from the Middle: A System Strategy

EDUCATION CANADA • December 2015 | Canadian Education Association

The focus of this article, is “Leadership from the Middle” (LftM), first identified by Hargreaves and Braun4 in their evaluation of the implementation of a special education initiative in Ontario.

The middle consists of school districts or clusters of schools. The article shows how districts, individually and collectively can be a force for local and state change. Thus, it gives the middle a major role in shaping implementation,

Read more Leadership from the Middle: A System Strategy