Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
Michael Fullan had a critical friend consultancy with Jayne Johnson and her team in ACT since 2009-2012. They are engaged in whole system reform for the government schools in Canberra. ACT is one of the territories that is part of the Australian state system.
Sir Michael Barber
Sir Michael Barber is the leading authority on whole system reform with whom Michael Fullan has many partnerships on projects around the world. Michael is Chief Academic Advisor to Pearson International.
Catholic Education, Diocese of Parramatta, Australia
Parramatta is a Catholic school district in the greater Sydney, Australia area. Fullan has worked closely with them for the past several years in providing consultancy and leadership capacity building for the district.
Catholic Education Office, Diocese of Sale, Australia
The Sale Catholic district was another one of Fullan’s ongoing partners. They were deeply engaged in system improvement with capacity-building activities with Michael and others internationally from 2009-2013.
Catholic Education South Australia (CESA)
CESA has worked in partnership with Fullan since 2008. They represent all the Catholic schools in the state of South Australia.
Center for Strategic Education, Melbourne, Australia
Headed by Tony Mackay, this Center does policy work on state and national reform both in Australia and internationally. Michael Fullan has strong connections with CSE, including through capacity building workshops and writing policy papers.
College of Alberta School Superintendents (CASS)
CASS represents all the superintendents in Alberta. Andy Hargreaves, Ken Leithwood and Michael Fullan have worked with them over the last six years on a major initiative called ‘Moving and Improving School Districts.’
Andy Hargreaves
Andy Hargreaves is the Thomas More Brennan Chair at Boston College and is an international expert of system reform and the teaching profession. Michael Fullan works closely with him on many initiatives. Their most recent publication is The Professional Capital of Teaching, Teachers College Press.
Idaho Leads
Idaho Leads is a statewide capacity building initiative funded by the Albertson Foundation and based at Boise State University’s Center for School Improvement and Policy Studies. Michael Fullan is working with Bill Parrett and his team of consultants on the design and implementation of the project which began in 2011.
International School Leadership
ISL is a subsidiary of the Ontario Principals’ Council devoted to the provision of exemplary professional development for teachers, principals, school heads and system leaders around the world. Their programs are grounded in current research from around the globe, the Ontario (Canada) experience in striving for excellence, and the Ontario Principals’ Council history of delivering exemplary professional development.
Microsoft Partners in Learning (PiL)
Microsoft’s Partners in Learning believes that education is the single most important investment in the future of individuals, communities, nations and the world – that it is vital to sustainable social and economic success. It is also a fundamental human right. The reality is that education globally faces a crisis: a crisis of resources, of time and of support. Governments need help. School leaders need help. Teachers need help. Students need help. PiL helps teachers and leaders connect and collaborate worldwide. Fullan worked with Microsoft from 2003-2006.
Ontario Ministry of Education, Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat
As Special Adviser on Education to the Premier of Ontario, Michael Fullan works closely with all departments. LNS is a major strategic and materials resource to schools and school districts. LNS has a great website of resources available.
Ontario Principals Council (OPC)
OPC consists of all school principals in the elementary and secondary public schools. OPC is very active internationally. They have developed a wide range of leadership materials for their members. OPC is a co-publisher of virtually all of Fullan’s books.
PD360 is the largest video and related digital resource library in the world that focuses on school improvement. Fullan has developed a major online video-based training course with PD360, called Motion Leadership.
Plan Ceibal, Uruguay
Plan Ceibal is a national project in Uruguay that supplies one computer to each student and teacher in the public school system. In August 2012, Fullan commenced a six month long project to evaluate the impact of the project on the school system and to provide advice for the next stage of development.
Sir Ken Robinson
A worldwide leader on creativity in education in schools, Sir Ken has spoken all over the world, both critiquing and giving advice to governments and school systems. His books remain the best on the topic.
Peter Senge
The ‘systems thinking’ guru and author of The Fifth Discipline is connected to Fullan’s work because of the mutual interests in whole system reform.
Lyn Sharratt
Lyn Sharratt, former Superintendent of the York Region District School Board, and now an author and international consultant, has worked with Michael on several capacity-building projects at the district school system levels in the past. They have written two books together, including Putting the FACES on Data.
Stuart Foundation
The Stuart Foundation is a family philanthropic entity focusing on school and system improvement in the state of California. They have an ongoing consultancy relationship with Michael Fullan, including hosting study visits to Ontario and consulting on capacity-building projects in California.
Turning Learning, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Turning Learning is an active international centre which fosters capacity building for whole system reform. Michael Fullan has been working with Marlou van Beek and her team for several years. He also has ongoing involvement in their conferences.