What’s Worth Fighting For in the Principalship?

Second Edition

World-renowned for his expert advice on school change, Michael Fullan has completely revised and updated What’s Worth Fighting For in the Principalship?, the classic work written directly to principals.

In the years since publication of the first edition, policymakers and school reformers have pointed increasingly to the school principal as the most important agent of needed change in our schools. Along with this recognition, principals are now expected to do even more within their already overloaded schedules.

With a sense of urgency that will spur principals into action, this second edition is more targeted, more specific, and provides more concrete examples from the field to reveal a new agenda for school leaders.

Michael Fullan incisively characterizes the current state of the principalship and recommends 6 practical, powerful Action Guidelines for principals, and 6 Guidelines for Systems, all geared towards dramatically increasing the impact of the principal on school success.

Published in 2008 by:
Teachers College Press, USA
Ontario Principals’ Council, (UTPress), Canada
ACEL, Australia and New Zealand

First Edition

The role of the school principal has never been perceived to be an easy one. Today it is continually becoming more diverse and complex as the needs and demands of our society change.

This commissioned study, in realistic terms, describes the world of the principalship. Michael Fullan reflects on the demands of this role in the context of what he describes as a non-rational world in What’s Worth Fighting For in the Principalship?.

He articulates a new concept of the principalship and delineates clearly what is worth fighting for in this role.


Published in1997 by:
Teachers College Press, USA
Ontario Principals’ Council, (UTPress), Canada

This book is also available in Norwegian, Portuguese (Brazil/Spain), Swedish, Ukranian