California School Boards Association
Governance Brief
October 2017
Promising Practices for Developing and Implementing LCAPs by Michael Fullan and Susan Lovenburg with David DeLuz and Kathy Armstrong
Understanding this need to build local capacity, California School Boards Association launched the LCFF Collaborative Working Group (CWG) in 2014, in partnership with California Forward, to provide the collaborative space and technical support needed by governance teams to successfully navigate the LCFF/LCAP transformation. During the three-year project, board members and superintendents from 20 school districts and four county offices of education convened quarterly for facilitated sessions focused on improving LCFF implementation, informing LCAP development, and sharing peer practices.
The CWG identified some early challenges such as the complexity of the LCAP template provided by the state and the need for tools to better communicate an LEA’s vision for student success to stakeholders. CWG members thought about how to reorient the work of teaching and learning, and how to use data to inform a culture of continuous improvement. This governance brief describes a model the group constructed utilizing Michael Fullan’s “Coherence Framework” to drive a district’s effort to improve student outcomes.
To read the full brief, please click here.