
Today only! The Principal 2.0 – Promotion at Barnes and Noble

We are excited to announce that Barnes and Noble is running an online-only promotion of 25% off preorders. The offer is good until end-of-day tomorrow, January 28.

Use the link below and promo code PREORDER25 at checkout.


Break out of the traditional, narrow role of principal and transform your school for the better

In 2014 Michael Fullan set his sights on the daily needs of school leaders in his bestselling book The Principal. 

Read more Today only! The Principal 2.0 – Promotion at Barnes and Noble

Mes volumes en française

Je suis très heureux d’annoncer que mon travail suscite un intérêt généralisé dans les systèmes scolaires francophones du monde entier. Merci à Claude St-Cyr, à Marc Denis ainsi qu’à l’équipe des Presses de l’Université du Québec pour avoir traduit et publié plusieurs de mes volumes en version française. Certains de mes principaux ouvrages sont maintenant disponibles au Canada français et au Québec, et également en France, en Belgique et en Suisse ainsi qu’en Afrique francophone. Heureux de voir que mes idées sont maintenant accessibles aux acteurs francophones du changement en éducation et ce,

Read more Mes volumes en française

World Innovation Summer in Education (WISE)

Education Reimagined: Leadership for a New Era

Michael Fullan is presenting a major new framework at the World Innovation Summit in Education (WISE) today. Geared to cultivate hope and action precisely at the  time the world needs it.

Key Themes:

  1. Changemaker Leadership for a New Era: What do education leaders need to know in light of the uncertainty brought about by multiple, concurrent global pandemics, including public health crises, systemic social injustice, economic inequality and climate change, to be “future-literate” or lead the future of learning?

Read more World Innovation Summer in Education (WISE)

Michael Fullan and Joanne Quinn Refine Their Method and Expand Their Reach: System Coherence and Deep Learning

Michael Fullan and Joanne Quinn lead New Pedagogies for Deep Learning ( and are worldwide authorities on educational reform. That is why their recent visit as guests of the BYU–Public School Partnership drew many attendees from each school district. In a daylong event, they electrified the room, presenting research-backed approaches to help schools transform learning and bring success to every student.

Fullan and Quinn’s approach—aligning vision across districts, making schools relevant and engaging in a changing world,

Read more Michael Fullan and Joanne Quinn Refine Their Method and Expand Their Reach: System Coherence and Deep Learning

Carnegie Forum: Online Q&A

Getting Serious About Capacity Building

Michael Fullan, Laura Schwalm, and Santiago Rincón-Gallardo
April 2, 2020

Like so many others we went virtual for the Carnegie Forum in our April 2, 75-minute session on “Getting Serious about Capacity Building”. There was a great turnout and we received some really positive feedback. A few targeted questions emerged which we respond to publicly in this note.

Follow our work at:


Read more Carnegie Forum: Online Q&A

Leading in a Culture of Change 2nd Edition

Message from Michael

The first edition of Leading in a Culture of Change (LCC) was published in 2001. It was the first book that I wrote for education and business leaders alike. Several readers contacted me and said that the book made them realize how much they had failed to appreciate culture as foundational.

Now, 20 years later I re-wrote all of the chapters and updated them with the latest research, including that of our own.  

Read more Leading in a Culture of Change 2nd Edition

Going Deeper – ASCD

Going Deeper:
What today’s teens need most from schools is learning that fosters engagement and connection. That may mean changing everything.

Teens are disengaged in school and need learning environments that foster engagement, connection, and a greater sense of purpose. The most important change required in education is cultural. Are high schools doing enough to help students engage with meaningful challenges?

To read the article, click here.

Michael Fullan
Mag Gardner
Max Drummy

Educational Leadership
May 2019,

Read more Going Deeper – ASCD

A Unity of Purpose: NAESP Annual Conference, Spokane

Michael Fullan explains why and how educators should set up students to do well in school and in life.

A Unity of Purpose and Action

By Matt Scott
July 2019, Volume 42, Issue 1

Michael Fullan addressing attendees at NAESP’s annual conference. Photo courtesy of Lifetouch®.

During the Pre-K–8 Principals Conference in Spokane, Washington, keynote speaker Michael Fullan highlighted his latest research on deep learning and revealed an inspiring message on how students and teachers respond best if they are focusing on global competencies.

Read more A Unity of Purpose: NAESP Annual Conference, Spokane

California’s Golden Opportunity: Learning is the Work

For the past six years California has been diligently pursuing statewide success in student achievement. They are now poised to go the distance. With a new governor and new state superintendent and an agenda to build on. Read our new report: “California’s Golden Opportunity: Learning is the Work” and see the Six Key Recommendations for success. Watch for one of the most exciting system change possibilities in US education!

We would appreciate your feedback on the report.

Download the PDF

Read more California’s Golden Opportunity: Learning is the Work