
California’s Golden Opportunity: Learning is the Work

For the past six years California has been diligently pursuing statewide success in student achievement. They are now poised to go the distance. With a new governor and new state superintendent and an agenda to build on. Read our new report: “California’s Golden Opportunity: Learning is the Work” and see the Six Key Recommendations for success. Watch for one of the most exciting system change possibilities in US education!

We would appreciate your feedback on the report.

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Read more California’s Golden Opportunity: Learning is the Work

The Coherence Framework in Action

California School Boards Association
Governance Brief
October 2017

Promising Practices for Developing and Implementing LCAPs by Michael Fullan and Susan Lovenburg with David DeLuz and Kathy Armstrong

Understanding this need to build local capacity, California School Boards Association launched the LCFF Collaborative Working Group (CWG) in 2014, in partnership with California Forward, to provide the collaborative space and technical support needed by governance teams to successfully navigate the LCFF/LCAP transformation.

Read more The Coherence Framework in Action

California is on the Right Track to Improve Education

Press Release

California on the Right Track to Improve Education
with Recommended Strategies for Improvement by Michael Fullan

In Taking Stock: Leadership from the Middle, Michael Fullan and Santiago Rincón-Gallardo report on how the transformation of California’s education sector is faring in terms of its strengths, weaknesses and accomplishments.

California’s approach, called by some The California Way, is expressed in the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and its companions the Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAPs).

Read more California is on the Right Track to Improve Education

Five District Case Studies: California’s Golden Opportunity

We are pleased to publish the district case studies are published by Michael Fullan, and supported by the Stuart Foundation. California is committed to improving it’s education performance statewide and we believe there are enough forces aligned to make this result a distinct possibility. The actions and coordinated efforts we are taking are practical and realistic.

The districts are:

  1. Corona Norco Unified School District
  2. Fresno Unified School District
  3. Long Beach Unified School District
  4. Twin Rivers Unified School District
  5. Whittier Unified School District

Corona Norco Unified School District

We conducted four main case studies as part of our Stuart Foundation Grant to examine the concept of Professional Capital in action: Fresno Unified,

Read more Five District Case Studies: California’s Golden Opportunity

California’s Golden Opportunity: LCAP’s Theory of Action

California’s Local Control and Accountability Plan: Problems and Corrections

This is the third commentary under the title of California’s Golden Opportunity published by Michael Fullan and others and supported by the Stuart Foundation. The three notes are:

1. California’s Golden Opportunity: A Status Note (November 2014)

2. A Golden Opportunity: The California Collaborative for Educational Excellence as a Force for Positive Change (January 2015)

3. California’s Golden Opportunity: LCAP’s Theory of Action—Problems and Corrections (July 2015)

All three are available under the California Corner tab.  

Read more California’s Golden Opportunity: LCAP’s Theory of Action

California’s Golden Opportunity – Status Note

November 2014

This note is for all those committed to and interested in how California can improve its education performance statewide over the next four years—improvements across the entire system and all of its levels. We believe that there are enough forces aligned to make this result a distinct possibility. The actions and coordinated efforts we outline in this paper are practical and realistic. Our team is working in partnership with a number of groups at all levels of the state. 

Read more California’s Golden Opportunity – Status Note

California Releases ‘A Golden Opportunity’

Today, California Forward releases A Golden Opportunity: The California Collaborative for Education Excellence as a Force for Positive Change, prepared in partnership with internationally acclaimed education reform practitioner Michael Fullan.  The paper suggests considerations for the recently created California Collaborative for Educational Excellence.

Read more California Releases ‘A Golden Opportunity’

California Corner

We have been working in California and, among so many others, are committed to and interested in how it can improve its education performance statewide over the next four years—improvements across the entire system and all of its levels. We believe that there are enough forces aligned to make this result a distinct possibility and the actions and coordinated efforts we are taking are practical and realistic. Our team is working in partnership with a number of groups at all levels of the state but it will be the internal leadership within the state that will lead and cause the change to happen.

Read more California Corner

The Sacramento Bee Article – Twin Rivers Unified School District, California

Diana Lambert from The Sacramento Bee has written the following article on work we doing:

Twin Rivers Unified is one of four California school districts being studied by Canadian education expert Michael Fullan to evaluate how they attract, train and use staff.

“Twin Rivers is an interesting one to look at because it has been a struggling district” that has a new superintendent who wants to install changes, Fullan said.

Long Beach Unified,

Read more The Sacramento Bee Article – Twin Rivers Unified School District, California