Australia Workshop Tour – 2014

Workshop Title:  Leading Quality Change

Pre-Read:  Education Plus – A Whitepaper July 2014

Michael Fullan draws on his cumulative insights about change initiatives over the years to identify the most powerful ideas associated with success. Key strategies that integrate quality ideas with quality change processes will be presented as they apply to concrete change situations.

Participants will learn about effective approaches to each of the following levels: within school success; success across schools and regions; and how to relate to the state and federal levels. Specific examples will be examined at each level. Next generation reform will be identified related to factors that will deepen and accelerate learning required for future societies through powerful new pedagogies linked to digital resources.

Module One:     Core Insights about Integrating Good Ideas and Effective Change Processes

Module Two:     Success within Schools and Communities

Module Three:  Effective Leadership in a Digital Age

Module Four:    Success at the Network and System Levels


October 27 – Melbourne – CSE

October 28 – Melbourne – New Pedagogies for Deep Learning

October 29 – Melbourne – Department o Education and Early Childhood Development

October 30 – Hobart – New Pedagogies for Deep Learning

October 31 – Hobart – Department of Education Tasmania

November 3 – Parramatta – Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta

November 4 – Sydney – NSW Department of Education

November 5 – Sydney – NSW Department of Education

November 6 – Brisbane – Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment (closed)

November 6 – Brisbane – Pearson National Learning and Teaching Conference 2014

November 7 – Brisbane – Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment (closed)




4 thoughts on “Australia Workshop Tour – 2014

  1. Hi everyone,
    New Pedagogies for Deep Learning – a Global Partnership
    How can we mobilise and foster new pedagogies for deep learning in schools and leverage the power of digital learning?
    ** This program, to be held Wednesday 29 October at ACMI, remains open for bookings.
    For further information or to book, go to:

    Christine Evely
    ACMI Education Manager

  2. Sorry it appears I am unable to post the link.
    Go to the Education section of the ACMI (Australian Centre for the Moving image) website and select Teacher Programs and Resources. Scroll down to find the seminar.

  3. I thought that michael said we could download the PowerPoint he spoke to. Could you please tell me where I can find these?

    1. Hi Alana,
      I’m not sure if you have already done this, but the material is under handout tab of Michael’s website. The format is not the same as his slides, but it contains all of the content (with the exception of a few last minute slides he added). Best regards, — Claudia

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